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Frequently Saked Questions

  • What is A/B testing?
    A/B Testing Is testing two versions of a webpage, ad copy, email subject line, landing page, CTA, or other elements to see which one performs better.
  • What is Bottom of the Funnel?
    A stage in the buying process occurs last, when leads move through the top of the funnel (finding a problem), the middle (shopping solutions), and lastly, to the Bottom, where they are ready to buy. At this phase, leads are interested in a demo, a call, or a free consultation
  • What is Bounce Rate?
    The percentage of visitors who land on a page on your website and leave without clicking on anything before moving on to another page on your site.
  • What is Buyer Persona?
    A summary of your ideal buyer based on market research, data, and hypothesis. The representation helps marketers define their ideal audience, and it helps salespeople determine lead quality.
  • What is a CES?
    Customer Effort Score (CES) is a type of customer satisfaction survey used to measure the ease of service experience with an organization. It asks customers to rate the ease of using products or services on a scale of “very difficult” to “very easy.
  • What is CAC?
    CAC or Customer Acquisition Cost is the cost of convincing a potential customer to buy a product or service
  • What is CTR?
    Clickthrough Rate (CTR) This number shows the people that move through your website or marketing campaigns. It’s the “clicks” or actions prospects take, divided by the total number of actions people could take. Hence, the name “clickthrough rate.”
  • What are Close-Ended Questions?
    Close-ended questions (AKA close-ends) are questions in a survey that require the respondent to choose from a list of available responses, such as a multiple-choice question.
  • What is Comparative Advertising?
    The type of advertising in which a company makes a direct comparison to another brand, firm, or organization.
  • What are Completes?
    Completes are the responses that have fully completed all aspects of the questions in a survey.
  • What is CMS?
    A program that manages all the aspects of creating content. These may include editing, indexing, navigational elements, etc.
  • What is Conversion Path?
    The path, or course of action, a prospect will go through to become a lead eventually. These events can include a call to action, lead form, thank you page, downloadable content, etc.
  • What is Conversion Rate?
    Percentage of people who take the desired action, such as filling out a form, registering, signing up for a newsletter, or any activity other than just browsing a web page.
  • What is Corporate Identity?
    All symbols, colors, logos, etc. that make up the public image of an organization
  • What is CRM?
    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software that helps you organize all your marketing and sales activities, including storing contact information, tracking emails, storing deals, and more.
  • What is Customer Centricity?
    It’s putting the customer at the center of the organization. Realizing that, regardless of time, creating customer value and putting customers first, beyond a simple customer focus, it generates the most and longest-lasting business value.
  • What is Customer Journey?
    Briefly, the customer journey are the experiences that your customers go through when interacting with your company and brand. This includes everything from discovery, to research, to purchasing, to customer support.
  • What is CPL?
    Cost Per Lead (CPL) The total cost to acquire a lead. It is an important metric to keep track of and influences your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).
  • What is CPC?
    Cost Per Click (CPC) An advertising metric that marketers use to determine the amount they will pay for ads based on how many clicks the ad receives. CPC is used most often with Google AdWords and for Facebook ads.
  • What is CAC?
    Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) A measurement that allows you to assess the cost of scaling up your business. It can be calculated by dividing the time and money spent on customer acquisition for a specific period by the number of new customers gained. (Money + Time Spent)/Number of New Customers
  • What are Demographics?
    A specific profiling aspect considering age, gender, income, family life, social class, etc. is often used in segmentation or for focal points in marketing and advertising strategies.
  • What is Digital Marketing (Online Marketing)?
    Digital Marketing (Online Marketing) Marketing to a specific target audience solely via the internet. It could be email marketing, content marketing, SMS, location-based marketing, social media, display advertisement, programmatic, among others.
  • What is Direct Mail?
    A means of advertising communication that reaches a consumer where they live or their place of business, through the mail, often based on demographics and geographical location.
  • What is Direct Marketing?
    Direct Marketing Is dealing directly with the end-user rather than a third party or a middleman. Also, it can be seen as directly communicating with your primary target audience. It can come in the form of advertising, marketing, or communications.
  • What are Dropouts?
    Dropouts Dropouts are the respondents in a study that stop answering questions in a survey instead of completing the survey in its entirety.
  • What is Engagement?
    Engagement Keeping prospects and customers interested in your brand and invested in your success with the understanding that it’s to their benefit, as well.
  • What is Engagement Rate?
    Engagement Rate A measurement of likes, shares, comments, or other interaction a particular piece of content receives.
  • What is Evergreen Content?
    Evergreen Content Content that is valuable to a reader today, in five years, and ten years. This “evergreen” content is timeless, offers the highest-quality information, and offers enormous SEO benefits.
  • What is Fielding?
    Fielding Fielding is the actual process of administering a survey to gather responses.
  • What is Forecasting?
    Forecasting A prediction of marketing and sales trends that are likely to occur in the future. This forecast is based on historical, quantitative, and qualitative data.
  • What is Geographic Segmentation
    Geographic Segmentation Segmenting a group of audiences based on where they live or where they are located.
  • What is Hashtag?
    Hashtag # A keyword phrase, written without spaces, with a # in front of it. It allows you and your audience to interact and converse about specific topics on social media.
  • What is ICP?
    Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) The type of customer who meets all the criteria you’re looking for in a prospect. In other words, your perfect client.
  • What is Inbound Marketing?
    Inbound Marketing Is advertising your company via content marketing, podcasts, video, eBooks, email broadcast, SEO, social marketing, among others, rather than paid advertising.
  • What are Incompletes?
    Incompletes Incompletes are the responses that have NOT fully completed all aspects of the questions in a survey. These incompletes can come from respondents who have failed to click the final ‘Submit’ button that resides at the end of a survey
  • What is KPI?
    Key Performance Indicator (KPI) A means to measure the performance of various factors, from employee functions to marketing tactics. Tracking KPIs will help your organization achieve its goals.
  • What is Landing Page?
    Landing Page A page on your website that houses dedicated information that users will interact with for a specific purpose, such as an offer, an enrollment form, a blog post, an eBook, a demo, or consultation.
  • What is a Lead?
    Lead An individual or a company that has shown interest in one of your products or services. It could be either an MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) or an SQL (Sales Qualified Lead).
  • What is LTV?
    Lifetime Value (LTV) A prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer.
  • What is Logic?
    Logic Logic is a tool that enables survey questions to be displayed to certain respondents depending on the responses that they have submitted previously. Logic combats survey fatigue by only displaying questions that are directly applicable to individual respondents. As a result, the quality of the data is higher.
  • What is a Marketing Qualified Lead?
    Marketing Qualified Lead A lead that is ready to be handed over to the sales team. An MQL has had some sort of positive interaction with the company, such as a discussion, downloading marketing products, etc., that deems them worthy of moving to the next level of the sales funnel.
  • What is Market-Based Pricing?
    Market-Based Pricing Similar to competitive based pricing, this pricing type is based on the current streamlined pricing for a specific product or service within the same industry.
  • What is Market Development?
    Market Development The act of taking an existing product or service to a new market.
  • What is Market Penetration?
    Market Penetration A strategy used to sell more of an existing product within the current markets it is being sold.
  • What is Market Research?
    Market Research High-intelligence research and development of a specific industry for the betterment of sound business decisions.
  • What is Mean?
    Mean The mean is the average value in a dataset.
  • What is Median?
    Median The median is the center value in a dataset.
  • What us MOFU
    Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) The stage of the sales funnel which a buyer enters after they have identified a problem. This is the point at which you position your business as the solution to their problem.
  • What is Mystery Shopping?
    Mystery Shopping Mystery Shopping is a process in which a person visits a retail store, restaurant, bank branch, or any such location to measure the quality of the customer’s experience. Many companies define detailed processes and parameters to ensure that customers will have a good experience in their sales locations.
  • What is Mode?
    Mode The mode is the most frequent value found in a dataset.
  • What is a Multi-Modal Survey?
    Multi-Modal Survey A multi-modal survey is one that is comprised of a variety of distribution methods. For example, the same survey might be administered via an email, SMS, a letter sent via snail mail, or by a person on face-to-face interaction.
  • What is New Product Development?
    New Product Development The creation of a new product that involves research, development, product testing, and launching.
  • What is New Product Development?
    Niche Market or Business A particular segment of a market in which you are trying to meet the needs of that market.
  • What is NPS*
    NPS* The Net Promoter Score is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services to others. It is used to know the customer’s overall satisfaction with a company’s product or service and their loyalty to the brand. *Net Promoter and NPS are registered service marks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are services marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld
  • What is Onboarding?
    Onboarding This term can refer to introducing a new customer or client to your services or products, or it’s used to describe integrating a new employee into your organization.
  • What are Open-Ended Questions?
    Open-Ended Questions Open-ended questions (AKA open ends) are questions in a survey that require the respondent to provide commentary.
  • What are Participants?
    Participants Participants are the people that a researcher invites to be a part of their study or complete their questionnaire.
  • What is PPC
    Pay Per Click (PPC) A method of advertising on the internet where you only pay when someone “clicks” on your ad.
  • What is Persona
    Persona A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.
  • What is Population?
    Population A population is the target group of people that the researcher is investigating. Here, the population refers to the entire group under examination. A market researcher would then pull a statistically significant sample from the population to administer the survey.
  • What is Quantitative?
    Quantitative Quantitative methods refer to methods that leverage numerical data. While survey responses may often not come in quantitative form, they can be coded systematically to become quantitative pieces of data then.
  • What is Qualitative?
    Qualitative Qualitative methods refer to methods that leverage non-numerical data. For example, if someone is dealing with the raw responses of an open-ended questionnaire, they would perform a qualitative analysis of the response data.
  • What is QRE?
    Questionnaire (QRE) QRE is simply an abbreviation of or shorthand for the word Questionnaire.
  • What is a Qualified Lead?
    Qualified Lead A qualified lead meets your company’s criteria or buyer persona attributes and is more likely to buy. A qualified marketing lead meets marketing objectives, while a sales qualified lead meets sales objectives.
  • What are Respondents?
    Respondents Respondents are the participants in a study that respond to the survey or questionnaire.
  • What is Response Rate?
    Response Rate The response rate is the percentage of the questionnaires that have been fully completed.
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